2014年5月22日 星期四

【台灣】 むすめん。起源 【中文翻譯】
【Taiwan】 Musumen。Origin 【English translation】

          二番煎じ                ぜあらる。             ノックソ                 あおい            白服        気まぐれ       フォーゲル           とみたけ              野崎弁当                                                プリンス

Morning musumen是指一個由男性舞者們所組成的團體組合。

Morning musumen, be generally referred to as Musumen (むすめん), is a Japanese group formed by male dancers.



20121月開始播出的「週五niconico radio」節目中,與爆笑喜劇演員(1)共同擔任主持一職的白服承諾「絕────對會跳」在節目最後一集中早安少女組的成員鈴木香音(2)(透過影片)所點播的「戀愛獵人」,此事成為了一切的開端。


首次參加的活動為2012818日所舉辦的「Niconico Dance Master4~在現場讓我微笑吧!~」中,出乎意料的表演了官方完整的歌曲,在尖叫及歡呼聲的交織下展現了舞台魅力。

2012107日,舉辦「Niconico舞蹈新組織!!~男一揆Vol.1~」的活動中除了あすぱら以外全員到齊。表演了由成員自己改編「女子喧嚷物語」所演唱的「男子喧嚷物語」及「非常興奮Take a chance」。同活動中,白服、野崎弁当、ぜあらる。、にーちゃん的組合也表演了早安少女組的歌曲「肥皂泡泡」。

20121010日上傳「10個男生試跳了早安少女組的非常興奮Take a chance─」的同時,宣布K’suke畢業並加入Dream morning musumen
以幕後編曲為主協助Morning musumen的活動。

201339日上傳首張原創歌曲「War Cry~自以為是偶像有什麼不對!~

2013324日,於大阪am會館舉辦首場單獨演唱會「むすめん。單獨演唱會2013春~自以為是偶像有什麼不對!~」。以個人及多樣化的組合表演了早安家族、VOCALOID的歌曲,安可曲則表演了可以說是為了這場演唱會所制作的歌曲「War Cry~自以為是偶像有什麼不對!~」。
特別值得提出的是由気まぐれプリンス、あすぱら、あおい、二番煎じ、ノックソ所表演的「Sexy Zone」,純白西裝及玫瑰花讓觀眾們欣喜若狂,也展現了不侷限於早安家族、VOCALOID的多樣化才能。

 2013427日參加NiconicoParty演出的同時宣布あすぱら畢業,作為Dream morning musumen的一員也倍受期待。

2013429日,舉辦「むすめん。單獨小型演唱會~in 東京~」,同樣表演了自大阪公演以來特別受到歡迎的橋段,再次表演「Sexy Zone」炒熱全場。(由白服取代あすぱら的位置)
巫覡夜徒加入Dream morning musumem。(支援成員)


Dream morning musumen。所指的是


Dream morning musumen。成員本人在有興趣或是有空閒的時候偶爾會參與むすめん。的活動。


Morning musumen, be generally referred to as Musumen (むすめん), is a Japanese group formed by male dancers.

Performing in Nakano Sunplaza is now their common goal.
  • Nakano Sunplaza is located in Nakano, Tokyo. The building includes a concert hall. This concert hall seats 2,222 people.
  • Morning musume, Berryz Kobo, and °C-ute have performed in this concert hall.

“Friday Niconico Radio” was a radio program started in January 2012. Bakushou Comedians [1] and Shirofuku co-hosted the program. In the final episode, Suzuki Kanon [2], member of Morning musume requested the song “Love hunter”, and Shirofuku promised “I’ll definitely do (Love hunter) dance.” This incident became a beginning of Musumen.
[Note 1] Bakushou Comedians is a Japanese comedy duo under the entertainment agency, Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd.
[Note 2] Suzuki Kanon is a member of Morning musume, and she is mainly recommended by Shirofuku.

The original dance group was only consisted of three people, Shirofuku, K’suke, and Aoi. However, some other dancers who participated in “Have a Chat in Yoshimoto Mugendai Hall” were invited by Shirofuku. Finaly,the dance group was formed by 11 people.

The video “11 GuysDance to Morning Musume’s –Love Hunter–” got many comments and ranked the first within a short time. The video has been viewed over four hundred thousand times until May 2014. Even Tsunku, the songwriter of Morning musume, watched the video.

Musumen participated in their first time event “Niconico Dance Master4Nama De Ikasete!” on 8 August 2012. At the event, they performed the entire official song unexpectedly, and the audience screamed and cheered for Musumen’s showmanship.

All Musumen’s members except Asupara participated in the event “Niconico Odoru Shintou!!Otoko Ikki Vol.1”. They had performed “The Story of Noisy Boys”, which they recomposed according to “The Story of Noisy Girls”, and “Wakuteka Take a Chance”. At the event, Shirofuku, Nozaki bento, Zeararu, Nichan teamed up to perform “Shabondama” (Soap Bubbles) from Morning museme.

Musumen uploaded the video “10 Guys Dance to Morning Musume’sWakuteka take a Chance” on 10 October 2012. At the same time, they announced that K’suke had graduated from Musumen. After his graduation, he joined to Dream morning musumen and became a choreographer who has supported Musumen from backstage.

On 9 March 2013, Musumen uploaded their first original song “War Cry~What's Wrong With Fancying Myself an Idol!~” The songwriter was halyosy and the choreographer was K’suke.

On 24 March 2013, they held their own concert named “MusumenConcert in Spring 2013 What's Wrong With Fancying Myself an Idol!~” at amHall, Osaka. They performed songs from Morning musume and VOCALID by individual or other combinations of members. The song “War CryWhat's Wrong With Fancying Myself an Idol!~” was played as an encore, and this song could be said it had been created for this concert.
It was worthy to mention that Kimagure prince, Asupara, Aoi, Niban senji, and Nokkuso danced to the song “Sexy Zone”, and each of them wore a white suit and held a red rose. Their primping and performance made the audience crazy about them. This concert showed their various abilities, and also they were not limited to Morning musume or VOCALOID.

On 27 April 2013, Musumen attended Niconioc Cho Party Ⅱ” and announced Asupara’s graduation. He was also expected and became a member of Dream morning musumen.

On 27 and 28 April 2013, Musumen attended “Niconioc Cho Party ” and performed “Love Revolution 21”.

On 29 April 2013, they held another concert named “MusumenMini-concertin Tokyo” They performed the song “Sexy Zone” once again to perk the audience up since the plot became popular after the concert in Osaka. (Shirofuku had replaced Asapara’s position.)
Meanwhile, five announcements had been made in this event. First, Tomitake became a new member of Musumen. Second, national tour would start within 2013. Third, a new video which performed by 10 guys including Asupara was prepared. Forth, the new single released date had been announced. Finaly, Fugekiyato joined Dream morning musumen as a supporting member.

People hardly take their eyes off Musumen after their rebirth.

  • Dream morning musumenis a group for people who cannot participate most activities due to busyness or intention. For example, K’suke would like to work behind the scenes as the primary. Also, people who have good relationship with Musumen but cannot usually work with Musumen will join Dream morning musumen. 
  • The members of Dream morning musumen will occasionally participate in the activities of Musumen since they have time or the interest. 
  • There is no limitation on any kind of activities for the members who are considered to participate whenever they are willing to.
The translations are not allowed to be copied or reproduced without permission.

